"for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." -Romans 3:23the highlight of my day on thursday was the fact that we were all going to go get ice cream after dinner. i spent most of the day with mom, mere, and brooks at the pool, while the rest of the family played tennis for the better part of three hours. after we were all reunited, we hung out and played some card games, snacked on triscuits (a new obsession of mine), and applied aloe/aftersun multiple times.

brooks is a very musical child - he can play the harmonica and the tambourine!

i wish i could add sound to this picture - brooks was laughing so hard at the fact that he kept hitting the ball out of his daddy's hand!

for dinner, we went to boone docks - it was the perfect cure for everyones seafood craving.

brooks was flirting with the lady at the table next to ours the entire time.

after dinner, it was FINALLY time for ice cream!! first, we went to the scoop, since i had never been to that ice cream shop before.

they had homemade fudge that looked absolutely delicious!

and life-size ice cream cones!

dad and i were the only ones to get ice cream from the scoop because they were out of chocolate and cookies & cream, much to lauren and mom's dismay.

so we went across the street to our normal ice cream stop. this was where i realized that their ice cream was homemade, while the scoop's ice cream was not. i got a little upset, but now i know for future reference: dont go to the scoop. its just not as good - PLUS they were out of chocolate. lauren: "how can you be out of chocolate??"

lauren was happy, dad was content, and i was dreaming of ice cream from fantasy isle. maybe next time ill be screaming about my ice cream.

that night, we all enjoyed a beautiful sunset and time together as a family.

i spent about 20 mins running around after brooks, trying to get a picture of him and lauren in his UCSD shirt.

needless to say, it was a big fail and these were as close as i got.

in fact, this was the face that let me know i should stop. brooks was clearly trying to tell me that he was over taking pictures.