"Jesus called the children to him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'" -Luke 18:16today is the 1 year anniversary of the birth of my baby nephew, brooks christopher juengel. i cant believe it has already been an entire year - but im even more excited for the many years to come! this past saturday, chris and meredith hosted a birthday party at their house. lauren, mom, and i were in charge of picking up the balloons on the way, which made for quite an eventful car ride.

but don't worry! we made it safely with only one popped balloon.

upon arrival, it was clear that meredith had been a busy bee preparing the house for all the party guests. the food was delicious and everything was perfect for brooks' birthday!

tons of people showed up to celebrate the little man.

he was walking all over the place and hes literally days away from walking by himself!

yay presents!

this picture just makes me miss my seester so much. im glad she got to stay for brooks' birthday party, but i wish she never had to go back to CA!

let the present opening begin.

brooks was so talented at ripping the wrapping paper.

and he got so many awesome gifts!

new clothes!

new shoes!

after the presents were unwrapped, it was time to eat the cake.

make a wish!

brooks was given his first piece of cake and you know what he did?

nothing. well, he put his fingers in it - but that was about it.

eventually, meredith assisted and helped him to taste it. i think he liked it?

or maybe not? haha

and then the fork came out. success! and let me tell you, that cake was DE-LICIOUS.

overall, the party was a huge success. i loved spending time with the whole family and i especially loved capturing brooks on camera - hes a hoot. hope you had the best birthday little buddy! I LOVE YOU!

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