"and God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." -2 Corinthians 9:8thursday, august 5th: day 4 at the clinic
when we arrived at the clinic, the line was even bigger than ever! i couldnt believe that there were even more people waiting to be seen than any other day before - the line was actually wrapped all the way around the building!

i began the day shadowing my dad. he had a couple follow-up patients from previous days, including the man whom he had removed a cyst from his hand. it was really fun to observe my dad doing his thing, and i got to hold a beautiful little baby as well! but the best part was that with each person, after having discussed their physical problems, we talked about their story and whether they knew who Jesus was. in the end, i learned a lot about the people of san miguel and was able to pray (including in the eye glass department) with probably about fifty people in just one day!

after being with my dad for a couple hours, i ventured out into the clinic to get some pictures of everyone else. here is our own dermatologist, becky peck with some of her new friends.

here is my aunt connie getting the day started off strong! she and cathy lamb did a great job directing traffic and answering all kinds of questions in the clinic everyday.

caleb was stylin in his pink gloves.

andrea ward spent some time with the children that day, while taylor moser shadowed JP. she helped them to make little necklaces and bracelets - they loved this craft!

for lunch we had "mexican hamburgesas" with some sort of pasta salad and fruit cups. im gonna go ahead and say that i like american hamburgers better.

due to the fact that i didnt really eat much of my hamburgesa, they gave me some yucca to try. it sort of tasted like potatoes with the papusa sauce on top.

after lunch, i had the opportunity to help with the singing in the clinic. rene gonzalez recruited me to join him and i had a blast! thankfully, marcella was there to help me sing the spanish words. rene says that i definitely need to learn more songs in spanish - i promised him i would work on it. also, ever since that experience, i have had the song "yo tengo un amigo que me ama!" in my head. in fact, i think i had forgotten it for awhile, but now it has returned.

later in the day, i spent some time in the pharmacy - here is april westbrook and jenette casey packaging pills.

katrina narolis and translator, samuel cornego helped a patient with her medication.

i spent some time talking with my friend obed diaz - he and samuel were assisting me with my spanish skills.

outside of the pharmacy, the clinic was full of patients, doctors, translators, and logistics. here is marce, choby, and arnoldo - awesome people.

in the evangelism area, pastors were teaching the patients of the clinic about Christ.

dr. wade, along with assistant meghan byrne, was working with a large family!

dr. lamb, with assistant caleb norton, was speaking with a woman and her daughter.

dr. davis, his wife kitty, and assistant chris linscome, were praying for a family's health.

dr. friedman in dentisty:

dr. causey, with assistant karen howard, in dentistry:

dr. karen estupian in general medicine:

here are some of my close friends - carlos, ana, & jonathan. te extrano mucho!

that afternoon, i returned to the eye glass clinic.

for some reason, there were a lot more people waiting to be seen than usual. we all had to put on our game faces and get those glasses to the people.

many times, we had to search through boxes and boxes before we found the perfect pair.

after the clinic, we young people (and a few awesome, more mature folks) joined our translators and friends from el salvador on a bus to a clubhouse/resort thing called "riverside gardens."

it had soccer and basketball courts and lots of pools, etc.

unfortunately, a couple people "fell" into the pools. cough diego and yan cough cough.

we were all able to play el futbol - the el salvadorans vs. the americans. here is rene and i, dressed completely in el salvadoran gear. i may or may not have been dressed for the incorrect team. oops. vamos el salvador!

here are some of our fans in the sidelines - rodrigo & pablo.

the sky was absolutely amazing - most likely because it was about to downpour.

and guess what?? we won 10-9. YAY america ha!

while some enjoyed el futbol, others decided to play some basketball instead (el baloncesto).

kara wade, cara bailey, and JP were tearing up the court.

soon enough, it started POURING. if youve ever been to el salvador, you know what i mean. the sky literally emptied out on us, but it made it that much more awesome. we were all soaking wet, but continued to play soccer and run around in the rain. when the rain settled down, some got into the pools and played some water polo. all in all, it was so much fun to be able to spend time with our translators and friends - an end to another amazing day.
have i mentioned that i LOVE el salvador?
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