"I will praise the Lord with my whole heart. I will show forth all His marvelous works." -Psalm 9:1
"for every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." -1 Timothy 4:4-5on thanksgiving morning, lauren and i woke up to a beautiful day in la jolla, CA. here is a couple pictures of the view from her window.

we turned on the macys thanksgiving day parade and enjoyed some of our favorite musicals and performers (memphis, american idiot, the rockettes, and so much more!)

after the parade, we were ready for lunch! yes, we do prepare our meals on top of the clothes dryer.

on the wednesday before thanksgiving, we went to whole foods and bought all of our favorite thanksgiving foods. everything was already prepared for us and all we had to do was warm it up! just like last year, the entire meal was DE-licious! if youre ever unable to cook on thanksgiving, i highly recommend doing what we did: buy your thanksgiving at whole foods.

and for dessert: PUMPKIN PIE (of course) from trader joes! so yummy! and it must be somewhat healthy since joe made it right?

we were very excited for pumpkin pie and attempted to document our experience.

sees was only slightly perturbed by me taking pictures of her eating.

after lunch and a long time laying on the couch while letting our food digest, we headed out for a walk on the beach.

and of course i had to get a picture of myself jumping.

after we got back to the house, we had a small photo shoot. i thoroughly enjoyed taking pictures of my beautiful seester. it was way too easy to get a bunch of great ones.

"give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. let the whole world know what he has done." -Psalm 105:1
that sure is an awesome scarf lauren ;)