this past thursday, i took a road trip with one of my best friends, ann bradey lewis. we hopped in the car at 8:00am and arrived in baltimore, MD around 1:00pm. we first made a stop at my aunt connie's house and spent the afternoon with her. it was so great to see her and i wish it would happen more often! heres the unfortunate part - i completely forgot my camera, but thankfully she had one so that we could take a picture with each other. for some reason, we only took a picture of aunt connie and i, not ann bradey and i too, and we also failed to take another picture the rest of the night, but at least we got a couple great ones:

after visiting with aunt connie, AB and i drove to downtown baltimore to see the broadway tour of West Side Story. my awesomely talented friends nathan keen and grant gustin performed that night, and they were absolutely amazing! the show was great and i was such a proud friend in the audience. congrats to you two!
AB - lets take another roadtrip soon, but next time, lets plan it better AND actually take pictures. :)
aunt connie - cant wait to see you again so soon! LOVE YOU!
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