"many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." -Proverbs 19:21
"and we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." -Romans 8:28i spent this past week across the country in la jolla, CA. i arrived on tuesday and got to spend a few days, just me and my seester before the parents came along. during those few days, we went to all of our favorite restaurants and took long walks by the beach and all around la jolla. it was a little chilly there compared to what i left in NC, but every day was still absolutely gorgeous and sunny!
i took my camera to the burger lounge on the first day, but then i seemed to slack the rest of the trip until mom and dad arrived (sorry bout it). here are some pictures from our favorite burger joint! im gonna miss this food!

early thursday morning, lauren and i went over to her office to begin cleaning out all of her stuff. it was a sad process for her, but thankfully she had her awesome, organized, clean freak sister to help her out. :) also, i took pictures of the office before we packed everything up.

i know, you must be jealous of their working situation. :)
after we got everything packed, i took some pictures of the outside of the building. this is where lauren and her classmates spent many many MANY hours and days.

welcome to the building of theatre and dance!

here is a theatre were lauren worked - the shank theatre.

on friday night, dad, mom, lauren and i went to coronado for dinner at the the o'brien's. their house was absolutely gorgeous and they had amazing views of the beach front from their back porch!

we took advantage of those views and got a few family pics.

here is lauren and gina - this is who she rented her house from for the past few years. awesome lady!

here is the table set up - love the nautical theme throughout the whole house! and the dinner/dessert was DE-licious!

the porch.

the kitchen.

the next day was the big day: GRADUATION from UCSD!!!!! yay lauren! that morning, we went to brunch at brockton villa. sorry, no pictures, but i definitely recommend it for food if youre ever in la jolla (specifically the french toast)!

andrew and laura sam also flew out for lauren's graduation. it was so exciting to see them and spend the day with them!

laura sam is the reason lauren decided to go into stage management. and now lauren has her MFA in stage management! boom.

LOVE my seester so much. and im sooooooo proud of her!!

here she is getting her diploma!

and giving her big speech. get it girl.

the whole graduating class - all 26 of them!

leighann, lauren, emily: the graduating MFAs in stage management.

and here they are outside with the dr. seuss trees!

with lisa, their mentor!

after graduation was over, it was party time! dont worry, my family provided sprinkles cupcakes. WIN.

lots of friends stopped by. it was a huge success!

such a bittersweet ending to an amazing journey in la jolla. i have most definitely enjoyed visiting lauren over the years and i know this wasn't the last trip we will make to california together!
so proud of you for shooting for the moon and making your dreams come true sees! i love you so much!
Yayy!! Caitlyn these look AWESOME!!!!