"thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift." -2 Corinthians 9:15
"every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." -James 1:17on christmas morning, we all met up at chris and meredith's house to see what santa had brought for books and ellie! brooks had already laid out all the presents in a line on the floor, ready to be opened.

santa had clearly enjoyed his cookies.

and brooks was ready to go!

santa brought him lots of fun things - a new canes shirt (GO CANES!)

a new sweater vest

the xbox kinect game!

and lots of games to play on the new kinect

dad got a really cool gumball machine - the perfect gift for him.

i got some gorgeous bracelets, lauren got a new running shirt and picture of little ellie!

mom got... um, this thing that does something when youre cooking..

and then the grand finale present... a drum set for brooksy!

he was already great as soon as he started. this kid has awesome rhythm - he could even sing "surfin USA" while playing the drums at the same time! (see my facebook page for that video)

after listening to brooks on the drums for awhile, we headed back to mimi and pops' house to open the rest of the presents.

this picture shows one of my very favorite gifts i get each year - a new planner. thanks sees!

brooks had a HUGE box to open...

and there was a beanbag inside!

mere got her first pair of uggs! welcome to the club - its very comfy!

brooks also got a very cool drawing board for riding in the car - chalkboard on one side, dry erase on the other.

i also got my first pair of toms! i was very excited!

here is meredith holding brooks' new north face. the tiniest north face. oh wait, then ellie got one too - sadly, i forgot to take a picture. don't worry, ill get a full family picture at some point very soon.

ellie got lots of adorable clothing. she is going to be one fashionable baby!

we also almost lost her in the wrapping paper at one point ha!

this happened too. mom completely surprised me on this one - i love love LOVE my lulu jacket!

after all the presents were unwrapped, brooks and i snuggled up on the couch for his favorite past time - "play tennis on caitlyns phone?" of course i never say no to an opportunity like that.

that afternoon, chris and mere took the kids to her parents house and i headed back to raleigh to spend time with ricky's family. it was an amazing Christmas and i feel incredibly blessed for my family and all of the time i got to spend with them. thank you Lord and happy birthday Jesus!!