"and the angel said to them, 'fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.'" -Luke 2:10“glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace among those with whom he is pleased!” -Luke 2:14merry christmas eve!
twas the night before christmas, and all the juengels were in the house. they were very hungry and brooks was not quiet as a mouse. actually, he was very excited for dinner time! oh sure! we all gathered around the table for a delicious meal prepared by mom.

after dinner, we passed around ellie and gave her lots of hugs and kisses.

then it was time for the famous pumpkin pie!! mmmm

while meredith and i enjoyed dessert, everyone else played wii. lauren and ellie were the cheerleaders.

dad is so talented at wii, he doesn't even have to stand up.

soon david and katie arrived! it was time to open presents!

they gave mom a beautiful canvas of a picture from their wedding. i love it!

brooks thoroughly enjoyed the present-opening process. he helped everyone unwrap!

lauren got some awesome new juilliard sweatpants.

and i got lulu! YAY

then dad had an announcement: it was time for his annual gag gift. this year it was....

GIANT sunglasses. oh dad, only you.

time for bed! christmas in the morning!
OK, now I know why you fit right in with our family and the crazy Christmas hats LOL!! I really enjoyed spending Christmas with you...looking forward to the next time we can spend time together. Oh, and I am a new follower ;)...check out my blog if you have time.