"for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." -Isaiah 9:6 its that time of year again - christmas card pictures! and as you can imagine, it wasnt exactly the easiest process to pick out the perfect picture for every member of the family. in fact, the entire process took about a week ha. but it was totally worth it. enjoy! and MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)
first: mom and dad (also now known as mimi and pops)

props to these two for the most coordinated outfits ever chosen.

once lauren arrived home from CA, it was our turn. and it was quite a special experience. thanks mom, for being our photographer! here we are:

it is still weird for me to look at this picture and see myself with blonde hair. sadly, ill never be as beautiful as a blonde as my sees.

lauren and momma!

a few days later, it was the other half of the juengels' turn. baby ellie was all decked out in her christmas tutu!

lauren was a great photography assistant.

and here is the whole fam.

love this pic.

later that day, david & katie arrived. here are the curtis family pics!

and then here are some more pictures of ellie and brooks. sorry there are so many - i just really couldnt decide on my favorites.

trying very hard not to smile...

and then the many faces of brooks..

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