“every good and perfect gift is from above.” –james 1:17today is the 2 year anniversary of the birth of brooks christopher juengel. its hard to believe that it has already been 2 whole years since then. AND another baby juengel on the way?! i cant wait!
this past weekend, brooks had a birthday party at his house.

there were lots of preparations taking place inside before the party.

birthday boy!

while everyone got things ready for the party, pops and brooks read some books.

finally the guests began to arrive. brooks immediately went to the balloon ball and pretty much didn't let go of it the entire time.

so many babies!

for lunch, there was lots of yummy pizza!

and then it was time for dessert... cupcakes!

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear brooks, happy birthday to youuuuuuuu!

make a wish!

and now to determine how to eat a cupcake...

done and done.

after cupcakes, it was time for brooks to open his presents. he wasn't so excited about this task at first.

its his party, he can cry if he wants to!

finally he started to enjoy unwrapping the presents and he got lots of cool stuff!

brooks had tons of friends and family celebrating with him -

even lauren got to facetime the party!

after every present was unwrapped, it was time to play with all of them.

as you can see, brooks really loves taking pictures with his aunt caitlyn.
happy birthday brooksy! we love you!

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