today was an interesting day, but wonderful nonetheless. i had planned on going to a dance class in astoria this morning, but switched up my directions and ended up in brooklyn (over an hour in the wrong direction). needless to say, i was running around like a crazy person, but at least i got my workout! before meeting friends for lunch, lauren and i took a trip to 5th avenue to try on some shoes at the nike store. it was a nice walk with beautiful city sites. :)
after visiting nike, we headed back to the upper west side for lunch with aaron and ariel at the shake shack - the best burgers in town for sure.
after lunch, we took a stroll down to lincoln center to walk off those burgers and fries and also did some shopping at lulu.
check out what i saw along the way! they even like silly bandz in NYC - thats saying something.
next stop: pinkberry. they have all new flavors and toppings! good stuff.
after pinkberry, we said goodbye to aaron and ariel and headed back to the apartment for a nap. after two wonderful hours of much-needed rest, we grabbed some cosi for dinner and set up a picnic dinner on the living room floor. it was SO yummy.
the night ended with some bachelorette and lots of girl time (sorry matt). i loooove me some seester and tara hope!
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