yesterday began with a mid-morning breakfast date with the one and only, katie hilliard. lauren and i met her at "good enough to eat" - a cute little restaurant on 83rd and amsterdam.
the food was DE-licious. mmmm especially the biscuits because they gave you strawberry butter to spread on top!
after breakfast we decided to take a walk through central park, where we quickly ran into a looooooong line of people waiting to get tickets for 'shakespeare in the park.' lauren said they had probably been there since at least 4 or 5am that morning! crazy people.
the sky was absolutely gorgeous!
and there were so many beautiful landscapes - i clearly did not have a problem taking tons of pictures.
katie and lauren stopped for a cold treat - lime freeze pops!
green tongues!
after saying goodbye to katie, lauren and i headed back home to meet up with tara. on the way we walked right through the set of 'curb your enthusiasm' (the tv show). if you look really closely you can see larry david and jeff garlin at the restaurant, "isabella's." this was unfortunately the only picture i could capture before being told to put my camera away.
after meeting tara we went to hale and heartys for a late lunch! this is one of my favorite places to get a salad. you get to pick any and every topping you want and then they mix it up right in front of you. its great!
later that night, on our way to musical world, we stopped by magnolia bakery to get a little something to tide us over for the night. sugar was the obvious solution.
we saw 'everyday rapture' - a one-woman musical starring sherie rene scott.
after the show, we ran into casey castine in times square! then lauren, casey and i headed to the west village to meet up with kara and max.
later on, aaron and ariel met up with lauren and i and we all decided to venture around the west village. first stop: joe's pizza.
it ended up being a GREAT night with awesome friends. it was the perfect last night out in the city! im going to miss all of these people and they better come visit me in NC! :)
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