"how great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! and that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1
on friday morning, lauren, myself, and the hayes sisters (emily and claire) took a roadtrip to laguna beach, CA. as soon as we got there, we started our adventure through the town, always keeping an eye open for LC or kristin.
this is the restaurant that LC and stephen frequently visited together, pomodoro.
for lunch, we went to this great restaurant, where we sat outside underneath the warm sun and ate A-mazingly delicious food. c'est la vie!
so many choices on the menu...
after lunch we stopped in at this candy shop that literally had every piece of candy ever created. i was in heaven.
VA - thinking of you, always.
and these were just awesome.
after buying/eating too much candy, we headed to the beach. this is the beautiful park that was right along the shore.
the steep walk down to the beach...
apparently burying your friends in the sand is popular here in CA.
check out emily in the reflection of lauren's sunglasses in this picture.
and then lauren and i tried to take a picture. this is what ensued:
finally success!
the hayes sisters were much more talented at this process.
on the way home, we decided to set the gps to 'laguna hills,' assuming that LC and kristin's parents' houses must somewhere in that area. unfortunately, although the gps did in fact take us to 'laguna hills,' it wasnt exactly what we were expecting. but dont worry, it still turned out to be a hilarious adventure.
claire: "i dont even know where that hill was anymore!"
i would also like to send a shoutout to my trucker friend from the highway. he kept me very occupied for the better part of an hour in stop and go traffic.
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