"and let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. for as members of one body you are called to live in peace. and always be thankful." -colossians 3:15
saturday was our final day in el salvador. im going to go ahead and warn you - this is the final ES blog post, but it will also probably be the longest one. we did a lot in one day and i had a heard time choosing which pictures to put up. :)
that morning we went site-seeing at a nearby museum with ancient mayan ruins. everyone was very excited for the tour!

first we went through the inside portion of the museum.

once things started getting crazy, we moved outside.

our tour guide told us all about the history of the houses and how they were basically restored because of the volcanic ash.

after our tour, we went to lunch farther up the mountain at a place called Las Brumas (roughly translated as the grill).

the restaurant looked over the side of a mountain and the view was absolutely breathtaking.

while waiting for our food, i took some pictures of the beautiful landscape surrounding us.

naturally, we all wanted our picture with the scenery.

finally our food came! MMM

and then it was time to leave.

before heading back to the hotel that day, we stopped by the market to pick up some souvenirs for friends and family back home. unfortunately, i was in such a rush to shop, i didn't get any pictures of the market. but if you're interested in seeing what it looks like, i have pictures of the same market in my blog posts from el salvador last year.
later that night we met up with all of our translators for a final dinner.

it also happened to be one of our own GHO members' birthday, casey.

happy birthday casey!

before saying goodbye, we got a few more pictures (of course).

thank you andy, thank you dad, thank you GHO team, and thank you to all the translators and wonderful people of el salvador! once again, it was an amazing trip and i already cant wait to get back next year!! I am so blessed to have this experience again and again. God is so good.
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