"when I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature on earth." -Genesis 9:16yesterday morning was a chilly, but gorgeous saturday in northville, michigan. that afternoon, we headed to my uncle john's local bar and grill restaurant, poole's tavern, for lunch.

the food was delicious and he gave us a tour of the entire place!

i even got a cool tshirt!

after lunch, the women folk headed to downtown detroit. we got out in hart plaza for the detroit international jazz festival.

there were tons of people and vendors and musicians everywhere.

there were also various concerts going on in different areas.

this is the renaissance center.

this is aunt pat and mom trying to figure out the names of every building surrounding us. sadly, i dont remember much of anything they told me, but i think they still had fun with the process.

after walking through hart plaza, we ended up at the detroit river. if you look across the river, you can see canada! i was looking at YAN the man and of course i yelled hello!

i had too much fun with these crazy ladies.

mumsy and me.

on the river was the detroit princess - some sort of important ship. sorry i fail at information.

my mom is such a cutie.

at the far side of the detroit river, you can see the bridge that takes you to canada! someday i will be taking that bridge to visit you yan!

this is the skyline of downtown detroit.

this is joe louis's hand. no idea what the story behind this is. sorry bout it

we spent a little time shopping with the local vendors.

i got some new sunglasses! (of course they were blue)

later that night, we headed back to the house. it had gotten much colder, so we borrowed a fire pit from the neighbors to sit by for the night.

i was so happy to be wearing a sweatshirt and smelling my favorite scent: campfire.

my parents were so happy to be spending time with their best friends from michigan, where they grew up. they hadnt gotten together in a very long time and it was certainly entertaining to listen to them catch up! it was like no time had passed at all!

mom and dad.

aunt pat and uncle john.

bonnie and steve hoffman.

as the sun was setting, the sky looked like cotton candy - speaking of which, it was almost time for dinner!

after dinner, we decided to do the only thing that made sense with a fire pit: make smores!

mmmm and they were sooooo tasty!

i may or may not have eaten 2.5 whole smores. LOVE

i cant wait for this weather back in NC - fall is my very favorite season by far, mostly because it smells like heaven and feels like a sweatshirt and jeans. :)
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