“we proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.”- Colossians 1:28this past sunday was our last day with family in michigan. we headed up to allen park, MI for the afternoon to spend time with aunts, uncles, cousins, and baby! it was an absolutely gorgeous day, once again, and so i didnt mind the car ride at all!

on the way, we stopped by the house that my dad grew up in. hello shirley lane!

soon we arrived at my cousin, heather melnyk's house. she and her husband jesse and their son carson have the cutest house!

inside, i immediately found baby carson.

i had just gotten a detroit tigers shirt that day and so it was only appropriate to take a picture in our matching gear.

everyone was lovin on carson.

meanwhile, outside, the men folk were grillin up some chicken and burgers dinner.

dad and i enjoyed a nice, cool root beer (one of our favorite past times in michigan) while we waited.

after dinner, we all got together to take some much-needed family pics. this is how it began:

so much excitement for pictures!

sibling pic minus aunt connie. we missed you!

uncle rick, aunt sharon, dad, mom, and aunt barb.

then we attempted to take a small juengel fam pic - thanks for your effort, uncle rick. but the parental cooperation didnt make this so easy.

melnyk family. :)

and heres our second, much more successful attempt at a family pic. love my parents and LOVED this weekend roadtrip with them!
Caitlyn, thanks so much for showing the pics. I so missed being there but your comments and pics helped.