"for whenever two or three of you are gathered together in my name, I am there with you." -matthew 18:20on saturday afternoon, we decided to take some family photos, hoping to find a perfect christmas picture! im pretty sure we found our winner, but i wont be posting that one because i dont want to ruin the surprise - youll just have to wait until Christmas! :)

pretty seester.

my mom rocks.

oh hey pops.

waiting for picture time - always a favorite pastime of these two.

running to the beach with pure joy for family pictures!

a big thanks to danny, renate, and sydnie snipes who were a HUGE help in taking our family photos. we will have a much merrier christmas knowing that we already have our photo taken care of. :)

from the dock to the beach...

photogenic children.

david and katie - soon to be mr and mrs!

momma's boy.

holden beach dunes.

the whole crew. dont worry, we only got a little sand in our pants.

mom and dad.

seester and me.

the girlies.

pictures in the sunset!

crazy sydnie - we just wanted a hug! :)

meredith, chris, and brooks.

soon the sun was setting and it was too dark for more pictures - the guys were happy about that and the girls we ready for italian ice!

so we went to sunset slush - only the BEST italian ice in holden beach! mmmmmm! this is my new koozie that i got to use on refills every time i visit (which i promise you will be very often).

and of course sydnie got four scoops of lemon lime. i stuck with my usual: one scoop watermelon, one scoop blue raspberry.

what an awesome day of memories and family fun. i am so blessed to have been able to spend an entire weekend with my whole family at our very own beach house. God is so good.
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